Location - Hadano (秦野市) area, Kanagawa Start - Spring-Water Fountain, in Yabitsu Pass area (護摩屋敷の水) Finish - Okura Bus terminal (大倉 バス) Walking Time - Approx 5 hours Difficulty : Moderate to Difficult 4/5 - Some steep rocky sections, 15km total distance, higher elevation upto 1490m.

Getting There

See previous hike post which has a similar starting point here

It is possible to take a taxi from Hadano station all the way to the spring water fountain near the start of the trail, but this will cost approx 5000yen. Otherwise take the bus from the station as noted in the previous post linked to just above, either to Minoge and take the longer hike to the trail head, or to the bus stop at Yabitsu pass and walk from there.

The Hike

After filling water bottles at the water fountain head up the hill to the restrooms which sit at the start of the trail 758366 IMG_0717

Head up the start of the trail follow the signs for Mt Sannoto ( 三ノ塔 ) IMG_0718-1

After a short distance on the roadway turn off to the right onto dirt trail and start climbing up the hillside through the forest. It is approx 4km to Mt Sannoto, there are a few places on the way to glimpse nice views through the trees, of the surrounding peaks and plains below.


0.5km from Mt Sannoto, there is a small rest area with a few picnic tables.


Continue on to Mt Sannoto, which has a wider open area, with great views of the surrounding peaks


It is 4.6km from Mt Sannoto to Mt Tonodake (塔ノ岳), the trail is well signed, and it is a pleasant hike through the native forest. IMG_0721

Upon leaving Mt Sannoto, look for the hut in the distance at a lower level, ( can just about be seen in the center of the photo just below ), this is where the trail heads next, and continues on beyond.






The route to Mt Tonodake has some steeper rocky sections, which are quite challenging, take care on these, using the chains for support.



At the top of Mt Tonodake there are many places to sit and rest, including a small hut with some friendly staff selling beer, tea, and instant noodles etc,. It can get quite crowded here


At the time of this hike visibility from the top was non-existent with the peak enveloped in clouds. However, here are a couple of photos from the previous year showing the great views, ( including Mt Fuji in the distance ), when the weather is clear :



Leave the top of Mt Tonodake following signs for Okura (大倉), which is 7km away. This is mostly downhill forest trail, interspersed with some stretches of flat. There are a number of places to stop and rest along the way. Near the end, the forest trail gives way to a cobblestone path, and then the very last section breaks out into an attractive village area, with roadway leading to Okura bus terminal.

Catch the bus back (approx 20mins), from Okura bus terminal to Shibusawa station, and from there back to Shinjuku station in Tokyo, but…, not before sampling the delicious pork + soba noodles from the nearby restaurant in Okura, washed down with a cold beer…

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– Route overview and elevation profile:

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